Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Marvelous Mornings Year 2 Continued - Organic Innovation

So as the school year is winding down, I am reflecting on what goals I have accomplished this year, especially those I had set for myself concerning the makerspace I have set up for Marvelous Mornings each day.  I revisited the last blog post I wrote about this at the beginning of this year and saw that I had just begun taking the Art of Tinkering course, looking for inspiration, and here's the update.

We built some scribbling machines.  I ordered motors and batteries, and special rubber bands and kids used these to create machines that would draw.  They were cool, but here's what was REALLY cool...

With those motors and batteries and rubber bands, the kids started building other things - creations of their own minds.  They put these pieces together to create fans, they have tried to make numerous objects fly, and one student has been working on a project that he believes he will be able to propel in water once it is done.  Each day they arrive and tinker, and with each day I can see the potential of giving students the opportunities for open-ended projects of their mind's own creation, given the tools I have put in front of them.

From this experience, I learned that some of the best ideas grow organically (and sometimes not so good ones grow too, but it was still an original idea).  A school-wide pajama day prompted the spontaneous making of pillows.  A donation of samples from a carpet store inspired a jewelry making session that lasted for weeks!  Today a student started making something that looked to me like a kaleidoscope.  So we wondered what we needed in order to really do this, looked it up, grabbed some mylar from the art teacher and BOOM! we were making kaleidoscopes.

I follow all the great leaders in #makered.  I buy and read the books, I download the project templates.  But I can truly see the beauty in an open-ended makerspace experience.  

Learning is often organic and is most meaningful when you are passionate about it. 
Making and tinkering can be the same.

From my experience, and upon reflection, I have found that often times the most innovative ideas that my kids are passionate about have come about organically, and while they might be able to find these ideas in a book, or online, the spark came from their own mind.

 And that has made all the difference in the Marvelous Mornings makerspace!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Strengths Based Teaching and Learning #IMMOOC Reflection Week 4

The idea of a strengths-based model really resonated with me this week.

"If we are going to empower our students, we must help them find what they love and create learning experiences that encourage them to develop their strengths"

So often we see teachers focused on working with students on what they are NOT good at.  But what if we focused MORE on what they ARE good at?  Or better yet, what if used their strengths to help strengthen those weaknesses? 

"We only get better when we find those who truly elevate us" 

Don't we want to be that teacher?  The one who elevates the students?  The one who motivates them to want to learn more, or do better?  I know I do.  My greatest joy in teaching comes from students who I have engaged in learning, and then empowered to look deeper into a subject they find interesting, or when I match a kid to the right book in the library.  These are the dream moments.

"Look for mentors who will push you to come up with better and brighter ideas"

When it comes to me, I am constantly looking to grow and learn.  Just as we look for our student's strengths, it is important to think about our own and follow leaders that celebrate these strengths and use them.  I have had the experience of both and I can tell you that mentors who push me to use my strengths, get the better me!  And in the end, my students get the best teacher I can be, and isn't that what it's all about?

Lifelong Learning - #IMMOOC Reflection Week 3

Learning can happen anywhere, anytime.

I always like to think of myself as a lifelong learner and this is true for many reasons.

1. I love to learn!
2. I believe I can learn from anyone - especially kids.
3. I am pretty positive I don't know EVERYTHING
4. I like to be challenged and questioned to push my thinking.

For all of these reasons it is my belief that learning can happen ANWHERE, ANYTIME!  I learn about my students through casual conversations about their weekend or hobbies.  I learn about my colleagues in the same way.  I learn about myself by reflecting on my practices and in questioning what or how I am teaching.  I learn and grow with other educators by taking online classes like the one on the Innovator's Mindset.  I learn from books I read or listen to.  In the makerspace, I learn about innovative ways to build or create things that I never dreamed were possible.

I always joke - well, you learn somethiong new everyday!  But it really is not a joke.  We can in fact learn something new each day.  And we should be empowering our students to do the same.  It can be something you learn about another person, or you can gain new knowledge about a subject you are interested in.  And this learning can happen literally anywhere.

Learning does not need to be confined within classroom walls.  This is the kind of innovative thinking that is needed in order to learn - anywhere, anytime!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Challenging Perceived Norms - #IMMOOC Reflection Week 3

Learning is Challenging Perceived Norms

This is true for students - but for teachers as well.  Today I was reminded that not all teachers we work with in our school communities are on the same page.  Just because something was done one way, for many years, does not make it the right way, even if this is the perceived norm.  

So, I LEARNED something about myself today.  Maybe it's something I have always known, but it was solidified in reflecting on how excited I get about new ideas and activities, and how strongly I feel about student voice and choice. I am always looking for new ways to teach the same old stuff.  I love empowering kids to be engaged in their own learning and helping those around them. I highly regard student opinions and take into consideration what they are interested in learning.  When students challenge me or a concept (in a good, respectful way of course), I feel challenged and know that they are truly learning because they are questioning.  

I learned today that challenging those who perceive this as "not the norm" is an innovative way of thinking.  That those who are saying "it's always been done this way", need to be challenged as this is no longer the perceived norm.  And this is exactly where I want to be!

Said NO IMMOOC'er Anywhere!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Learning is Social - #IMMOOC Week 3 Reflection

School vs. Learning

For these "short" blog posts this week for the #IMMOOC I will focus on aspects of the info graphic above of School vs. Learning by @gcouros.  

School = often isolates
Learning = often social

 In my current position I teach in the library, where historically people think you must be quiet.  Why is this the case?  I am not entirely sure.  But this seems to be the norm (as my kids and I are often shushed in our local public library).  I am happy to say that after about 5 years in this setting, we have changed the mindset in our school that the 21st century library is very different and that when there is noise it usually means that learning is actually occurring!

This noise is not just noise.  There are heated discussions amongst kids and teachers about books.  There are kids tinkering in the makerspace.    Teachers are working with small groups in a variety of spaces.  The TV monitor is showing videos on specific authors or illustrators.  Music is being played in the background.  Furniture is being moved around.  Games are being played.  All of this "noise" indicates some kind of learning and sharing happening.

In all my years as a classroom teacher, my classroom was very rarely silent.  The same now goes for the library (unless it is empty - and this is very rare).   How can students be learning from each other in complete silence?  How can sharing be occurring?  And in that respect, how can there be any growth?  Silence can occur when you are actually isolated, alone at home, where you are reflecting and processing information you have absorbed during your time with other students and teachers.  

Schools ARE social places by nature.  So let's not squelch this in our classrooms or libraries - embrace the noise and use it!

Embrace the noise!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Innovate INSIDE the Box - #IMMOOC Week 2 Reflection

Innovation is often thought of as "thinking outside the box".  But what is the box?  Why do I need to think OUTSIDE of it?  Is it better outside?  What if the inside of the box contains amazing, rich content, but just needs to be tweaked.  If I look outside for something new I may change the concept completely, instead of presenting something in a different way.  Maybe what teachers need to do is to think about the INSIDE of this box in order to be able to look at things at a new and different way

This idea of "Innovating Inside the Box" has really resonated with me this week.  While it is important to think of new and exciting lessons and concepts to share, it is also important to think about how to work within the structure you have and make it new and different. 

For example, I have noticed that I have students who each day linger in the library's makerspace when the bell rings in order to continuing tinkering or creating.  They are not in any rush to get to class.  Given the confines of a tight schedule, it is difficult to let them stay, regardless of my availability, and how much I would like them to.  These students are rushed off to class by their teachers (and me for fear of getting in trouble by their teachers). What if the project they were working on in the makerspace was part of their curriculum in the classroom? What if the school's schedule allowed students to begin their morning learning in different ways or in being part of a community like the makerspace offers?  What if I had the buy-in from teachers that this was beneficial for these students. What if teachers were doing these kinds of activities in their classrooms? What if....

I could go on all day with what if!  My ultimate vision, my ultimate "What if", is what if we changed the overall experience of how a student begins their day at my school, While I love that students don't want to leave the library in the mornings, I realize it is in their best interests to get to class.   So, maybe what needs to change is what's happening INSIDE the classroom or throughout the school once the bell rings.  Then maybe these reluctant kids may be rushing to get to "class", instead of stalling for time with me.  

When looking at the diagram of characteristics of the innovator's mindset I am drawn to two of them to help me get this grand idea I have rolling.  The first is "networked".  They always say it's not what you know, it's who you know.  In this instance, to foster the type of change I am talking about, it will be beneficial to connect with teachers who are ready to be innovative.  It will be important to connect with administrators who have the ability to encourage innovation through schedule changes throughout the school. 

The other characteristic is  "creator".  I am fabulous with ideas!  But I see on the diagram that what is also needed in order to create change, to foster innovation, one needs action, and only this will then lead to fruition.  Otherwise, it's just a great idea I have in my head. This is an area I am going to focus on.  Because I really would like to see this vision I have to "innovate inside the box" become reality.