Thursday, January 12, 2017

One Word

This blog a month challenge didn't come easy for me.  I do not have a "go to" video that I use for either personal inspiration or for educating children.  I have a lot of quotes and sayings, but not a specific video or movie that I know well enough or used often enough to write about.  So, when asked to blog about one I thought about what speaker has inspired me and I looked to Jon Gordon.

A few years ago my principal introduced us to Jon Gordon and the Energy Bus, as well as his notion of picking "one word" for ourselves.  Jon Gordon's positive thinking was inspirational to me then and immediately I got on the bus!  While I always thought of myself as a positive thinker, I now had a vehicle to discuss it and help create a culture of positivity in his name.

Over the last few years, I continued to stay on the bus, and also have picked one word for myself, regardless of whether or not we did this as a team.  In looking for inspiration for this blog, I revisited Jon Gordon's speeches and am reminded about the power of his words and ideas.

My word for this year is FOCUS.  In my position at work, I wear multiple hats and I have decided that for me to be most successful,  I need to FOCUS in on certain aspects in order to be really good at what I do.  At home, I have a house full of kids and need to FOCUS on what is most important, which is the time we get to spend together and not worrying about all the little stressful day to day things (which is what I usually tend to focus on).

Jon Gordon's inspirational videos can be used with adults AND kids, and I am glad I have revisited them for inspiration to FOCUS on my one word this year!

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