Monday, March 20, 2017

Lifelong Learning - #IMMOOC Reflection Week 3

Learning can happen anywhere, anytime.

I always like to think of myself as a lifelong learner and this is true for many reasons.

1. I love to learn!
2. I believe I can learn from anyone - especially kids.
3. I am pretty positive I don't know EVERYTHING
4. I like to be challenged and questioned to push my thinking.

For all of these reasons it is my belief that learning can happen ANWHERE, ANYTIME!  I learn about my students through casual conversations about their weekend or hobbies.  I learn about my colleagues in the same way.  I learn about myself by reflecting on my practices and in questioning what or how I am teaching.  I learn and grow with other educators by taking online classes like the one on the Innovator's Mindset.  I learn from books I read or listen to.  In the makerspace, I learn about innovative ways to build or create things that I never dreamed were possible.

I always joke - well, you learn somethiong new everyday!  But it really is not a joke.  We can in fact learn something new each day.  And we should be empowering our students to do the same.  It can be something you learn about another person, or you can gain new knowledge about a subject you are interested in.  And this learning can happen literally anywhere.

Learning does not need to be confined within classroom walls.  This is the kind of innovative thinking that is needed in order to learn - anywhere, anytime!

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