Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Creating Connections

A colleague of mine once told me (and the students she taught) that the "smartest people know where to look", and this has become a mantra of mine.  When asked the question, what does it mean to you to be a connected educator?  This mantra is at the heart of it.  I know where to look when I need inspiration, feedback, or answers to difficult questions.  And it's not Google I look's my people, my PLN, my network of like-minded educators.

Whatever the reason you have for connecting with others, the important thing is that you make these connections.  I truly believe that it is integral for educators to have a network of people with whom they share their ideas, to learn from each other, and in the end to reflect and maybe gain insight about how to improve.  Without these connections, a teacher is an island all by themselves.  Without these connections, in my opinion, an educator will not be able to grow.

I love meeting up with my CFG group, the members of AATE, librarians from other Jewish Day Schools in Atlanta, my team at work.  I love chatting with people I have met on Twitter.  I love being able to sustain relationships online with people I meet at conferences and workshops.  I love taking online courses that can help my teaching practices.  I find that each interaction with any one of these groups helps me grow.  Every connection I make gives me the inspiration I need not only to grow, but
to thrive in this every-changing world. 

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